SMCT’s arrangements for the supply of goods and services is in accordance with the policies of the Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB). SMCT ensures the following principles are embedded in all aspects of the purchasing lifecycle:
- value for money
- open and fair competition
- accountability
- risk management
- probity
- transparency
Purchase Order Terms and Conditions
SMCT makes payments to suppliers for the purchase of goods and services using Purchase Orders.
A Purchase Order provides details about the goods or services including a description of the goods or service, the price per unit, the quantity and the GST payable.
When SMCT issues a Purchase Order, it will be issued either:
- Under a specific contract (for example, a Master Services Agreement or Services Agreement) between SMCT and the supplier, or
- Under SMCT’s General Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Goods or Services.
Procurement Activity Plan
The VGPB's Governance Policy requires that SMCT publish a summary of procurement activities planned to be conducted over the upcoming period.
Procurement Activity Plan – currently under review
The aim of the plan is to provide potential suppliers with an overview of the types of procurement activities for goods and services that SMCT may undertake over this period. The plan will be updated from time to time to reflect other planned procurement activities. SMCT may purchase other goods and services which are not necessarily listed in the Procurement Activity Plan as they are purchased in accordance with government policy from existing whole of government State Purchase Contracts.
All planned procurement activities are subject to revision or cancellation. The information in this Procurement Activity Plan is provided for planning purposes only and it does not present a solicitation or constitute a request for proposal, nor is it a commitment by SMCT to purchase the described goods or services.
Complaints Management Process
SMCT places a high level of importance on the way it conducts procurement processes and how it interacts with the market. Complaints will be handled in a consistent, fair and transparent manner in accordance with the following process.
A person with an issue or concern about a procurement process should first address their concerns to the relevant contact person for the process. If the issue or concern cannot be resolved, a complaint can be lodged with SMCT’s Chief Governance Officer as outlined below.
Step 1: Complaint lodged and acknowledged
The complaint should be in the form of a letter or email and including the following documentation:
- A concise written statement clearly setting out the basis and specific details for the complaint
- How the subject of the complaint and the specific issues affect the person or organisation making the complaint
- Any relevant background information including prior actions or correspondence involving SMCT in relation to the issue
- The outcome desired by the person or organisation making the complaint
- Copies of all relevant documentary evidence supporting the complaint.
All documents pertaining to the complaint should be sent by letter or email to the following address:
Chief Governance Officer
PO Box 1159 Clayton, VIC 3169
Email: governance@smct.org.au
Receipt of the complaint will be acknowledged by SMCT within five working days of receipt. A complaint investigator will be appointed who has appropriate knowledge of procurement policies and relevant processes.
Step 2: Complaint investigation process and timeline
If information provided is sufficient then within 20 working days the complaint will be investigated and a response provided in writing to the complainant.
If additional information is required, or the services of external parties are required to advise on elements of the complaint, there will be an extension of time. This will be based on the number of working days between the request for, and receipt of additional information and/or advice sought.
Step 3: Complaint outcome
The complainant is provided with the complaint outcome in writing.
Either the complainant accepts the finding or may refer their complaint to the Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) for review if not satisfied with the findings and actions of SMCT. This could be related to the management of the complaint or the application of supply policies (refer to the Victorian Government Purchasing Board).
Complaints submitted to the VGPB must be lodged by letter or email within 10 working days of the receipt of the findings by SMCT to the following address:
Victorian Government Purchasing Board, Department of Treasury and Finance, GPO Box 4379 Melbourne 3001
Email: vgpb@dtf.vic.gov.au
The complainant must provide the VGPB with the following material:
- Evidence that SMCT did not correctly apply supply policies in relation to a procurement activity
- Evidence that SMCT’s complaints management procedures were not applied correctly
- A copy of all relevant correspondence between the complainant and SMCT in relation to the nature of the complaint
- Any additional material requested by the VGPB to assist it in its findings.
Other government bodies that may be able to assist include the Office of the Ombudsman or the Office of Small Business Commissioner.