Do you need support?
Third Drive
Springvale Botanical Cemetery
600 Princes Highway, Springvale
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Connecting with our community
If you are experiencing grief through loss, you may find great comfort in sharing your thoughts, feelings, stories and memories, either with friends and family or within a supportive group environment. This may reduce the sense of isolation and loneliness that can come with grief.
Some ways to connect with others in your grief, include:
- Joining a support group to share with others who have had similar experiences
- Taking opportunities to join in public ceremonies where you can be private, yet part of a larger group
- Using rituals and customs that are meaningful to you
- Talking with a counsellor to focus on your unique situation, to find support and comfort, and to find other ways to manage
We recommend you keep connected with your local community and have created the following resource with some suggestions. This is by no means an exhaustive list, so please research further in your local area for groups that may suit you.

CCW understands that grief is a very personal experience and can support you during your journey. By attending our sessions, you will be joined by others who know how it feels to experience loss.

The important thing to know is that in your journey through grief, you are not alone.
Please feel free to call or email us here.
Discover more about our activities, events and online services here.
If you are finding it difficult to manage day-today, it may also be helpful to see a counsellor or other health professional.
Further support from specialist organisations
Grief Australia
Phone: 1800 642 066 or 9265 2100
Beyond Blue
Phone: 1300 22 46 36
www.lifeline.org.au Phone: 13 11 14