Mindfulness – a way to reconnect to ourselves and others

In this busy modern world, it can feel difficult to disconnect from the constant notifications, updates and information that come to us via our mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices. The internet has been an incredible resource in connecting us with people from across the world and putting information at our fingertips, but it also makes it very difficult to switch off.
The National Day of Unplugging is on the 6th of March, 2020 and we are encouraged to disconnect for the day.
“A 24 hour global respite from technology. It highlights the value of disconnecting from digital devices to connect with ourselves, our loved ones and our communities in real time.”
It might seem unusual to promote something that seems so natural, but it has become increasingly challenging to live in the present moment and enjoy our world around us. There are even now apps on our phones that help us to be mindful!
There are some simple ways to reconnect to ourselves and to our communities. You can practice mindfulness by sitting outside under a tree, as Buddha once did. Or it can be as simple as taking 5 minutes at the start of your day to breathe in and out and focus only on that.
You could take a meditation class, join a yoga session or go for a walk with friends. You could also just choose to stop thinking about yesterday, stop worrying about tomorrow and enjoy the present moment, wherever you may be.
We actively encourage mindfulness at SMCT. Cherishing and recognising each moment that we have, while honouring the lives of those who are no longer with us.
SMCT supports mindfulness
You can join in a number of different activities through SMCT that support mindfulness and connecting with the community at The Centre for Care & Wellbeing.
The Centre for Care & Wellbeing is open from 10.00am to 3.00pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays (closed Public Holidays).
For further information, please contact Dianne Lee on (03) 8772 6111 or email care@smct.org.au.
Social Walks
Enjoy a 45-minute walk with like-minded people exploring various parts of the beautiful botanic gardens.
Meet at The Centre for Care & Wellbeing, located within Springvale Botanical Cemetery.
Movement and Stretch
Renew your mind and body using gentle movement and yoga-based stretches to develop strength and balance.
Meditation at the Centre of Care & Wellbeing
Enjoy a deep sense of peace, clarity, focus and creativity.
Simple mindfulness techniques will be used to develop breath and body awareness, and guided meditation/relaxation will ensure you leave feeling relaxed and balanced.
And here are a few other ways to reconnect with the world around you and engage with the community:
Sunday Jazz at Café Vita et Flores
Enjoy a relaxing Sunday afternoon filled with great food, coffee and the smooth sounds of the New Orleans Swamp Dogs. Located within beautiful gardens, Café Vita et flores' is the perfect location for family and friends to come together and enjoy alfresco dining.
Historic night tours
Step out for an evening with friends or family and learn about Melbourne General Cemeteries fascinating history. Leave your phone at home and completely engage in the tour, learning about the history of the cemetery and the people that rest there.
We hope you’re able to switch off even for a little while on the 6th
March, or any other day, to feel connected to the world around you. We would love to hear about your experiences with mindfulness, so please do reach out to us on our social media channels.