Grieving in Winter can be no easy thing

"No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn."
As the days get shorter and the weather gets colder it’s easy to stay indoors.
Seasons and weather patterns can often reflect our grief, especially as we enter into the thick of winter.
Each person transitions through grief in their own way, navigating the changing seasons.
This Winter season, we encourage you to keep active. When the sun is shining, walk outdoors. When you need a friend, go out for coffee. When you need time, pour a cup of hot tea, sit down and reflect.
The weather does play a role in affecting our mood, how we feel and how we view certain events.
If you’re feeling lonely, or in need of some extra support this Winter we encourage you to visit the Centre for Care & Wellbeing.
The Centre also runs weekly walking groups throughout the beautiful botanical garden of Springvale Botanical group as well as social coffees, find out more here. Grieving in Winter can be no easy thing.