The Festive Season
As we enter December, the festive season is well and truly upon us. The invites are rolling in, the event planning is in full swing and the decorations adorn homes and streets.
But the Festive Season can be challenging for those who have lost loved ones. Even with the excitement and general cheer, there is a loss and a longing for those who can’t be with us. It’s important to honour those feelings at this time and keep their memory alive in our hearts.
At any significant milestone or special time of year, the loss can feel stronger. Day to day may feel fine, but at these celebratory times that place such emphasis on family and being together, we miss our loved ones even more.
For those who may not have experienced a loss, it’s important to remember that each person is on their own journey and may be facing challenges we cannot see. Sharing a smile when you pass someone could brighten their day. It could help them to connect again and see the kindness in the world. That’s what the festive season is really about. Being kind to each other, and being kind to ourselves.
If you choose to visit one of our locations during the festive period to be with your loved one, we welcome you. All Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust grounds are open every day of the year including all public holidays.
We will also be hosting a Christmas Luncheon at Café Vita et flores. A chance to come together with your family, friends and our friendly café employees. We offer a relaxing atmosphere, a delicious spread and a place to connect with others at this time of reflection and joy. You can expect a seasonal feast with all the trimmings, including dessert accompanied with freshly ground barista coffee or tea.
To learn more about the luncheon and reserve your place, visit our website.
Café Vita et flores will also be open over the public days for general visits.
However you and your loved ones choose to celebrate and remember this time of year, we wish you all a joyous, relaxing and kind festive season.