Crafting your own story

We all have a story to tell about our lives that we would like to share with our families and friends. Whether it’s a few pages or many, it’s valuable to tell your story.
Centered around MYLifebook, Springvale Botanical Cemetery has developed a series of workshops designed to help people think about their life, their stories and capture what matters to them.
The workshops were created with a goal to celebrate life by helping you prepare for every stage of it whilst building knowledge, skills and comfort levels to face the big questions with loved ones. The series of free and informative workshops give you the opportunity to work through what you want while in the supportive company of others.

We know that the more prepared we are when it comes to planning our life matters, the higher our peace of mind and comfort and we can be content in knowing that our end of life wishes are written down for loved ones to reflect on.
Writing your own story and wishes can also give peace of mind to loved ones who can feel informed with important memories, favourite songs, family connections and other key documents.

Here’s what people have been saying about the workshops so far:
“I like that there is the availability to learn and discuss death in preparation for death in a warm and safe environment”
“Lots of ideas for forming a draft for my story. Thank you.”
“Great information, well presented and easily understood and absorbable.”
“Fantastic and welcoming workshop.”
“I very much enjoyed this course. It has given me some useful ideas. Thank you.”
“Excellent. Thanks so much for the opportunity which will be appreciated by more participants if they know about it.”

Begin the conversation about your end of life matters today. Book in for a workshop here.
You can also download our complimentary MYLifebook and begin documenting how you want to be remembered while happy, healthy and sitting with a delicious cup of tea or coffee.