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Spotlight on Vass

09 March 2023
Vass and her family at Diamond Head, Hawaii in 2018

Tell us about your role at SMCT

I just celebrated my two-year anniversary and my goodness, it’s flown! I’m an Executive Assistant supporting Lucas Robertson (Chief People and Governance Officer) and James Balazs (Chief Digital Officer). I am also in a seconded role as Project Specialist where I assist Jessica Keag, our Program Manager - People, with various projects (notably the Talent Acquisition project).

What’s your number one work-related goal this year?

There are so many people I still haven’t met across our organisation, so my goal is to get out and about around the office and say hi to those outside of my immediate team. I would particularly like to visit other SMCT sites and learn a bit more about the history. I only went to Bunurong Memorial Park for the first time 2 weeks ago!

What is one thing that surprised you about working within the cemeteries industry?

The number of departments it takes to run a cemetery astounds me. It also isn’t the doom and gloom that people assume it is, it’s a lovely and fast-paced environment to work in.

What advice would you share with new or future employees at SMCT?

I would encourage new employees to make time to get to know people in other areas of the organisation. Those who have worked at SMCT for a good amount of time have some fascinating stories to share.

What was your first job?

My first job was as a Gymnastics coach when I was 15!

What would people be surprised to know about you?

People may be surprised to know that I competed in the Australian Trampoline Championships twice (in the Tumbling division).

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