Collecting Cremated Remains
For many of our families the experience of collecting a loved one’s ashes is unfamiliar and daunting, so we’ve put together some information to help provide a little bit of a picture as to what to expect.
Collecting a loved one’s ashes after cremation is as simple as calling our customer care team and booking a 30 minute collection appointment between Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm. Other times may be accommodated on request.
When can ashes be collected?
Ashes can be collected in person after a minimum of 48 hours after cremation.
Please note that we are experiencing unprecedented volumes at the moment so there is a 2 week wait for appointments.
What happens at a collection appointment?
Please ensure you attend with some form of current photo ID with you on the day as it’s a requirement of SMCT (who is governed by the The Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2003) to ensure that we have done our due diligence in ensuring we are releasing the ashes to the authorised person.
Before we release the ashes, our customer care consultant will verify the details of the person collecting the ashes against the Application for Cremation Authorisation paperwork to ensure they are the authorised person.
If you are the authorised person but would like another person to collect the ashes on your behalf, you will need to provide written and signed permission.
Once verified, the ashes will be handed over in a plastic urn within a presentation box and we will provide a carry bag for the ashes. Our customer care consultant will explain how to open the urn should you want to scatter the ashes and also answer any other questions you may have. You may wish to book another appointment to discuss cremation memorial or urn options. We have a display of various urns in our crematorium collection room and online.
Walls of Reflection
We understand that often families need some time to consider options, and our Walls of Reflection at Springvale Botanical Cemetery provide free for three months a peaceful place to reflect while permanent memorial arrangements are made.
Enquire for more information
How can I be certain I will get the correct ashes back?
Cremation is a strictly regulated process in Australia so we have an identification system in place to ensure we identify the correct person. We also have 3 checks and signatures to ensure the accurate ashes are returned to the family.
What happens if I can’t attend an appointment?
Please call and let our customer care team know and we can reschedule your appointment.
Can I choose to not have the ashes returned?
Yes. If decided by the authorised person, we will scatter the ashes at an undisclosed location.
What happens if I don’t collect the cremated remains?
We make every effort to contact the authorised person to arrange for collection and send reminder letters at 6 months, 9 months and 11 months. The 11 month reminder is sent by registered post.
We are required by the Cemeteries Act to hold your loved one’s ashes in safe keeping for a period of 12 months. After this time, we will then scatter the ashes at an undisclosed location.
Oftentimes families delay collecting loved one’s ashes due to not knowing what to do with them. Here are five ideas on how to commemorate loved ones after cremation.