Funeral Directors
At SMCT, we understand the sensitive nature of funeral arrangements and the importance of efficiency and ease in this process. As a funeral director, we appreciate that your customers look to you for a fast response to all requests. To help us assist you effectively, we strongly recommend downloading and completing any required documentation before requesting an appointment. This proactive step significantly improves the booking experience, helping to streamline the process for all parties involved.
The following documents are available for you to download:
- Application for Cremation Authorisation
- Certificate of Registered Medical Practitioner Authorising Cremation
- Application for Approval to Inter Cremated Human Remains
- Application to the Secretary to the Department of Health for an Exhumation Licence
- Application for Interment Authorisation
- Application for Right of Interment
- Release and Indemnity - for Works where Monument already exists
- Statutory Declaration - Joint Holder of Right of Interment
- Statutory Declaration - Multiple Holder of Right of Interment
- Joint Holder of Right of Interment Consent Form
- Multiple Holder of Right of Interment Consent Form
- Allocation of Graves Form

Funeral Director Registration
Register with SMCT to become a trusted Funeral Director across our eleven cemetery locations